Green tea - Japan
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Free delivery starting from 60€
Free delivery starting from 60€

in Metropolitan France

This splendid « Shaded Tea », legacy of the land of the Rising Sun, is cultivated in the Kyoto region out of sunlight according to ancient Japanese methods. In these excellent terroirs, the shades hug the fertile and hilly landscape of one of the most beautiful regions of Japan. 

Treasure of Kyoto.


Packet of 50 g of green tea.


After having been protected from sunlight for one week, the rich, supple leaves with an extraordinary aroma of white flowers, from the Yabukita tea plant, are plucked by hand using precise ancestral maneuvers. The planter then performs a long and meticulous crafting so as to obtain this fabulously fine and lustrous tea whose rich umami flavour is synonymous with this Grand Cru.

Dried leaves: The sublime, sparkling emerald buds are steamed with pure water and deliver a bouquet evoking angelica and elderflower jelly.

Infused leaves: Luminous imperial green. The leaves unfurl with a sweet fragrance of fresh pine nut.

Liquor: Gold with jade intonations. Noble and precious, this Sencha Kyoto caresses the palate with a note of flowery white ganache, punctuated with a hint of stewed nashi pear.


Mariage frères

Brewing tips

Mariage frères

2 min

Mariage frères


perfect steeping temperature
Mariage frères

7 g

for 20cl of water

Jardin Premier
Label of excellence and purity

Mariage frères
Mariage frères

Mariage Frères' teas and infusions are rigorously analysed and controlled to ensure their compliance with the criteria of European standards (EC) N° 396/2005.
Mariage Frères' ‘Jardin Premier’ label of excellence is reserved for teas and other plants whose exceptionally pure infusion meets the strictest quality standards (EC) No. 848/2018.

Delivery Details

All orders are shipped within 48 business hours. In Metropolitan France, delivery is free on all orders over 60€. Outside Metropolitan France, delivery is free on all orders over 150€ shipped by postal service with tracking (Colissimo).

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