Behind the term “black tea” hides an immense variety of origins, profiles and tastes. Fruity, woody, malty, caramelized, chocolate, flowery… its nuances are infinitely varied, sure to seduce even the most demanding of palates. This exclusive session is a gourmet journey through 7 grand crus selected to reflect the magic of their terroir and the richness of their taste profile.
This TEA CLUB® includes:
a conference on Himalayan teas ;
tasting of seven grand crus ;
two tea-infused treats ;
a tasting notebook ;
an exceptional 10% discount on all your purchases valid on the day and in the establishment of your Tea Club®.
Approximate duration: 1h30 - Saturday from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Number of participants : between 4 and 12 people, only in french.